
Boxing - African Ring

The African Ring has always been a great place to establish a budding boxing career, as they say we all start somewhere. For some of the most prominent African boxing champions, humble beginnings are the common denominator. Most African boxing stars were raised in previously disadvantaged communities, but with hard work, perseverance and great coverage […]

Duran Carlo - African Ring

Boxing is quite a rough sport, and many people love to watch it, participate in it and have dreams of becoming professional boxers. A boxing match will consist of boxing rounds that last for three minutes. The total amount of rounds that are fought will vary from 9 to 12. The boxers will have a […]

Everlast - African Ring

The African Ring has always been a great place to establish a budding boxing career, as they say we all start somewhere. For some of the most prominent African boxing champions, humble beginnings are the common denominator. Most African boxing stars were raised in previously disadvantaged communities, but with hard work, perseverance and great coverage […]

Boxing as a sport is physically tough, mentally draining and constant struggle to push through pain or difficulties. Life with its ever evolving challenges seems to have a similar modus operandi and the lessons often learned through the sport of boxing can be applied and often turn out very useful in your day to day […]

Jeff Ellis, owner of African Ring, once wrote that “the protection of the fighter is the primary responsibility of everyone connected to the sport; everyone. Including the fighter himself.” This statement often rings true throughout the annals of boxing history, where time and again, mismanagement, poor matchmaking, over-zealous fighters and inadequate protection have ended a […]

South African Boxing | African Ring

How should I improve my boxing? Two of the biggest factors to consider when staring boxing are technique and volume. It is very important to learn the proper technique and to continuously refine it, as well as to learn a complete set of boxing techniques. Especially when it comes to boxing defense, you will need […]

Beginner’s Guide to Boxing Equipment and Boxing Gear   At African Ring we are passionate about boxing, so we have decided to give beginners and potential boxers a guide to choosing the right boxing equipment and boxing gear. The best part about boxing is that it is a fairly inexpensive sport to get involved with, […]

  African Ring, is passionate about all things boxing and training. Unfortunately, over the year’s various myths have surfaced. We feel that it is time to debunk these myths. Various myths along with a couple of other 1950’s training methodologies are what keep boxing training in the stone ages compared to how other sports train. […]

Punching bags - African Ring

Flabby arms can be a real challenge to your self-image and personal confidence. Naturally one would assume that it is logical to work out your arms by punching a heavy bag, would reduce arm fat. However, the truth involves muscle toning and development and it tends to be more complex than just punching a bag. […]

What is The Best Punching for Me? When it comes to punching bags many people do not realize that they come in a variety of sizes, colors and materials. The heavier the bag, the more resistance is provided, the more difficult your workout will be. Your level of fitness and the intensity you plan to […]
