Flabby arms can be a real challenge to your self-image and personal confidence. Naturally one would assume that it is logical to work out your arms by punching a heavy bag, would reduce arm fat. However, the truth involves muscle toning and development and it tends to be more complex than just punching a bag.

It is a common misconception that exercising your arms will result in you losing arm fat. However, you only lose fat when you create a negative calorie imbalance that results in your body accessing the excess energy it has stored. When you lose fat, it comes off your body as a whole. This does include your arms but a punching workout does not target your arms specifically, for fat loss any more than a leg or ab workout would.

What is punching a bag good for?
A punching bag workout, is a vigorous cardiovascular and resistance workout. A person who weighs 90 KG tends to burn about 510 calories in one hour of work on a punching bag. This vigorous workout helps you burn enough calories to lose body fat, some of which will come off your arms.
Resistance Training
When it comes to working out with an especially heavy punching bag the results are you tone and build arm muscles. Therefore, you will start to see your frame tighten and firm which also firms the fat that hangs, giving you an illusion of immediate weight loss on the arms. This phenomenon is probably the reason why “spot reduction” gives people the idea that exercising your arms promotes fat loss from the arms, which adds to this commonly believed myth.
In conclusion punching bag workouts burns calories and which helps you lose body fat, including the fat on your arms. However, there are many other efficient calorie burning workouts such as cycling, swimming or running that help you lose weight faster. Finally, if you want to burn fat, it is advised that you also support your punching bag workout with a diet that focuses on calorie-restrictions, which will assist you with your lose weight goals.

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